
The nested_crumbs tag can be used to easily create breadcrumbs out of nested-pages.

There is another tag named 'breadcrumbs', which is used with the folder hierarchy associated with normal cloned pages.
'nested_crumbs' on the other hand works with nested-pages only.


This tag can be used in two ways -

1. As self-closing tag. e.g.

<cms:nested_crumbs masterpage='index.php' />

where 'masterpage' points to the template behind the nested-pages tree.

2. As a tag-pair for better control over the generated breadcrumbs markup. e.g.

<cms:nested_crumbs masterpage='index.php' ignore_show_in_menu='1' prepend='<ul class="breadcrumb">' append='</ul>'>
   <li><a href="<cms:show k_crumb_link />"><cms:show k_crumb_text /></a><cms:if k_crumb_is_last='0'> &raquo; </cms:if></li>


  • masterpage
  • ignore_show_in_menu
  • prepend
  • append


This parameter is used to specify the template behind the nested-pages used to create the breadcrumbs.
If left empty, the template of the currently executing page is assumed.


The 'Advanced Settings' of each nested-page has a checkbox labeled 'Show in menu'.
If that is unchecked, the page is not included by default in the breadcrumbs.
You can override this by setting 'ignore_show_in_menu' parameter to '1'.


While using the tag as a tag-pair (see Usage above), this parameter can be used to output anything before the first crumb.


While using the tag as a tag-pair (see Usage above), this parameter can be used to output anything after the last crumb.


When used as a self-closing tag, this tag sets no variables.

When used as a tag-pair, the following variables are set for each crumb -

  • k_crumb_id
  • k_crumb_name
  • k_crumb_text
  • k_crumb_link
  • k_crumb_is_nested_page
  • k_crumb_is_folder
  • k_crumb_open_external
  • k_crumb_is_last